2007年7月31日 星期二
Italian police arrest mosque staff
Italian police arrest mosque staff
Italian police have arrested three Moroccans they suspect of running a "terrorist school" at a mosque, using it to recruit and train fighters for attacks abroad.
"We found, and put out of service, what was a genuine 'terrorist school'," said Carlo de Stefano, head of a special investigations branch of the Italian police.
“我們發現並阻止他們的行動(指恐怖份子特訓班)” 義大利警察特別調查局局長Carlo de Stefano這麼說
Police arrested Korchi el Mustapha, the imam from the mosque in Ponte Felcino near the central Italian city of Perugia, and his two assistants, Mohammed el Jari, 47, and Driss Safika, 46, who were accused of using the mosque as a training camp for international terrorism.
警察逮捕了在Perugia城市(*注1)中心的Ponte Felcino清真寺領袖Korchi el Mustapha和他的兩個助手,47歲的Mohammed el Jari以及46歲的Driss Safika,他們被控告濫用清真寺作為恐怖份子訓練中心
Materials seized included films and internet downloads including instructions on how to fly a Boeing 747.
"The investigations documented how the suspects ... were undertaking detailed and in-depth instruction and training in the use of weapons and combat techniques suitable for terrorist acts," the police said in a statement.
“從調查文件我們可以推論…他們正在進行武器用法和戰鬥技術等適合恐怖活動的詳細且具深度的訓練” 一個警察如此聲明
The interior ministry said a fourth Moroccan they sought was being held in a prison in an unidentified foreign country.
Among the internet files were instructions on handling poisons, explosives and sending encrypted messages via computer. Police said there were also "instructions aimed at aspiring mujahideen to get safely to conflict zones".
Giuliano Amato, the interior minister, said the police operation had thwarted "very concrete risks" and that the possible use of a mosque was a serious concern.
內政閣員Giuliano Amato說警察的行動阻止了一個非常實際的危險,若被回教實際應用會造成嚴重的後果
"This shows the necessity to pay close attention to a place which should only be used for religious activity," he said in a statement.
“這顯示了有必要密切觀察那些只能被用來進行宗教活動的地點” 他這樣聲明
Bomb Scare
Elsehwere, an Alitalia flight, that was preparing to leave the Rome's main airport for London, was evacuated on Saturday after officials received an anonymous phone call announcing there was a bomb on the plane.
Police later said it was a false alarm.
The 165 passengers were evacuated and baggage was unloaded, as bomb-squad officers using sniffer dogs verified there were no explosive devices aboard, police at the capital's Fiumicino airport said.
“ 165名乘客緊急疏散並且行李都還留在機上,炸彈處理小組與利用警犬證實機上沒有爆裂物 ” Fiumicino機場的警察這麼說
Police were alerted at 1.15 pm (1115GMT), just 20 minutes before the flight was due to leave. The plane took off later on Saturday, with a four and a half hour delay.
(註1)Perugia 小介紹
2007年7月25日 星期三
Israel rewrites history textbook
來源:Al Jazeera English,半島電視台英文版 標題: 日期:MONDAY, JULY 23, 2007 6:08 GMT 原文網址: http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/F8527028-AA0F-4560-92E1-11D89FE0A4E3.htm 翻譯與評論:Rembrandtfu |
Israel rewrites history textbook
The Israeli government has, for the first time, approved a school textbook for Arab pupils that includes the Palestinian view of the creation of Israel.
The book, which will be used in the public school system in the next school year, contains one phrase that points to the Palestinian version of the events of 1948.
It reads: "The Arabs call the war the Nakba, a war of catastrophe, loss and humiliation, and the Jews call it the
Official Israeli accounts of the country's creation, especially those written for schoolchildren, have focused on the heroism of Israeli forces. They hardly mention that many Palestinians were forced to leave, instead claiming that the mass exodus of 700,000 Palestinians was voluntary.
Yuli Tamir, the education minister, said that many in
教育部長塔米爾(Yuli Tamir)表示,許多以色列人對於這個議題視若無睹。
"We have a complex history of two peoples engaged in a struggle, and it's time to give the story of this struggle its proper treatment," he said.
However, other Israeli politicians say they will fight the decision to introduce the book insisting that it makes
Avigdor Lieberman, strategic affairs minister, denounced the book, blaming "the masochism and defeatism of the Israeli left, which constantly seeks to apologise, while we did what we had to".
戰略事務部部長利伯曼(Avigdor Lieberman)譴責這本教科書,並且指責:「那些以色列左派的被虐狂與失敗主義者總是在找機會道歉,雖然我們做的都是我們應當做的。」
Benjamin Netanyahu, head of the right-wing Likud party, said that Tamir should resign for approving use of the phrase, arguing that the Jewish state's right to exist should not be open to debate.
右翼黨派聯合黨(Likud party)的黨魁內塔尼雅胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)表示,塔米爾應該為贊成使用該書中的說法下台,同時他也認為猶太人的國家主權不應被拿出來公開辯論。
"Shall we inject Arab propaganda into our schools with our own hands?" he said.
Confronting history
The book is aimed at eight- to nine-year-old Arab children in
Arab citizens make up about one-fifth of
Most Israeli Jews and Arabs attend separate school systems, reflective of the two groups living in mostly segregated towns and neighbourhoods.
"It shouldn't be that an Arab child, a citizen of
Zevulun Orlev, a politician with the National Union party, said that
國家統一黨的政治人物Zevulun Orlev提到,以色列正冒險鼓勵其阿拉伯公民叛亂而非乖乖遵守規矩。
"We lend legitimacy to Arabs seeing our independence as their disaster. How then can we teach the same pupil to be a loyal citizen?"
Source: Agencies
2007年7月23日 星期一
Bush sets up import safety panel
Origin : http://edition.cnn.com/2007/US/07/18/safe.imports.ap/index.html
Title : Bush sets up import safety panel
Date :July 18th 2007
Translater and Reviewer : TJY
WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush on Wednesday established a high-level government panel to recommend steps to guarantee the safety of food and other products shipped into the
The president was to meet later Wednesday with his new Import Safety Working Group. The panel will be chaired by Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt.
布希並於稍晚會唔了由Michael Leavitt所率領的小組。
"The administration is concerned about the safety of imported products that Americans eat and use and we'll start working on concrete steps to address whatever problems they may uncover," said White House spokesman Tony Snow.
白宮發言人Tony Snow表示,此小組將著重於美國人民使用及食用的進口商品的安全性,並因應這些進口商品可能會發生的問題,於近期內著手制定一些具體的措施。
The Food and Drug Administration's ability to monitor the nation's food supply has come under sharp criticism from Congress and others amid a string of high-profile cases of foodborne illness, including E. coli-tainted spinach and salmonella-contaminated peanut butter and snack foods, as well as concerns about drug-laced, farmed fish imported from China.
由於食物中毒諸如:受到E.coli 污染的菠菜、沙門桿菌含量過高的花生醬及點心、以及藥物殘留量過高的中國大陸養殖魚類等事件層出不窮,因此藥物食品管理當局對於食品管理的能力飽受國會和民間的激烈抨擊。
"This is not a slap at
Members of Congress have criticized the FDA's plan to close half of its laboratories.
Bush created the new panel with an executive order.
Nancy Nord, acting chairwoman of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, called the formation of the panel "a wonderful step. The administration is moving aggressively to address the issue."
消費者產品安全委員會的主席Nancy Nord認為這項措施是個很棒的進展,這表示有關當局開始重視這項議題。
Earlier, she told a Senate hearing that the rapid growth of imports is putting a strain on her agency. The intense pressures on regulatory agencies was also emphasized by officials from the FDA and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration at the hearing by the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee.
Bush took the action as
2007年7月18日 星期三
Iraq PM says US forces can leave
來源:Al Jazeera English,半島電視台英文版 標題: 日期:Monday, July 15, 2007 GMT 原文網址:http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/5A77F64F-54C5-4524-AC77-7F922532C06D.htm 翻譯與評論:Rembrandtfu |
Nuri al-Maliki's comments came on Saturday, after one of his aids accused US forces of committing human rights violations and arming "gangs of killers".
馬利基(Nuri al-Maliki)在星期六做出上述評論,在此之前他的一名助手指控美軍違反人權並且提供「殺手集團」武裝。
At a time when pressure is mounting in the US for George Bush, the US president, to withdraw American troops from Iraq, al-Maliki has said his administration needs "time and effort" to enact the political reforms called for by Washington.
"Particularly since the political process is facing security, economic and services pressures, as well as regional and international interference," said al-Maliki.
But he said if necessary, Iraqi police and soldiers could fill the void left by the departure of coalition forces.
"We say in full confidence that we are able, God willing, to take the responsibility completely in running the security file if the international forces withdraw at any time they want," he said.
Meanwhile, Hassan al-Suneid, a member of parliament, told The Associated Press on Saturday that al-Maliki has problems with General David Petraeus, the chief
同時, 一名國會的成員桑耐德(Hassan al-Suneid)在星期天向美聯社(The Associated Press)透露馬利基與美軍駐伊最高指揮官彼得雷烏斯將軍(General David Petraeus)之間有嫌隙存在。
He said US troops have embarrassed the Iraqi government and that General Petraeus was working along a "purely American vision".
Al-Suneid said the
He was referring to US overtures to groups in Anbar and Diyala, encouraging former anti-government fighters to join the fight against al-Qaeda in
Armed groups
Al-Suneid warned that these armed groups will retain their weapons in the future because of the
He also said
他也指出美方當權人士的行為使得馬利基政府很難堪,例如在巴格達(Baghdad)築牆與在薩德爾城(Sadr City)的反覆襲擊。
Al-Suneid said: "Al-Maliki finds difficulty in understanding [Petraeus] because he moves with a purely American vision, and reality needs a co-ordinated mutual vision."
Al-Maliki's adviser denounced the heavy use of arms by US troops against suspected fighters as human rights violations.
He said
"We cannot imagine that a neighbourhood is bombed with an excuse that 'we are searching for a terrorist,"' he said.
Source: Agencies