2007年8月9日 星期四

Abbas and Olmert meet in Jericho

來源:Al Jazeera English,半島電視台英文版

標題:Abbas and Olmert meet in Jericho

日期:MONDAY, AUGUST 06, 2007, 12:11 GMT



Abbas and Olmert meet in Jericho

The Palestinian president and the Israeli prime minister have met in the West Bank in a bid to bridge gaping differences ahead of a US-called peace conference later this year.

巴勒斯坦主席與以色列總理在西岸(West Bank)碰面,企圖在即將於今年稍晚舉行、美國所謂的和平會議之前,努力克服雙方的歧異。

Mahmoud Abbas and Ehud Olmert met in Jericho on Monday, the first time in years that such a high-level meeting was taking place in Palestinian territory.

阿巴斯(Mahmoud Abbas)歐麥特(Ehud Olmert)星期一在耶利哥(Jericho)碰面,是這麼多年來頭一次有層級如此高的會議在巴勒斯坦地區舉行。

Saeb Erekat, the chief Palestinian negotiator, said Abbas and Olmert had held a "deep and serious" meeting.

巴勒斯坦首席交涉員艾瑞凱(Saeb Erekat)表示,阿巴斯與歐麥特舉行了一場「深入且嚴肅」的會議。

He said the focus had been on the "fundamental issues of the peace process and ... means of quickly arriving at the creation of a Palestinian state".


Core issues

Before the discussions, Olmert had also said that the talks were aimed at restarting negotiations on establishing a Palestinian state.


However, exposing the differences between the two camps, Erekat said: "Personally, I think the negotiations have been totally exhausted... Now the leaders should decide.


"We have no need to reinvent the wheel. Any peace process should aim at ending the Israeli occupation that started in 1967."


Palestinian officials have been pushing for a deal on the "core issues" ahead of the autumn peace conference, with a view to implementing the agreement during the meeting.


However, Israeli officials have been reluctant to discuss key points before the conference, saying the two sides should create a basis or framework for an agreement before the meeting.


Erekat said that the two leaders had agreed to meet at least three more times before the peace conference, which Israeli officials expect to take place in November after the Jewish and Muslim holidays.


Prolonged resistance

Israeli officials had baulked at describing the session as an attempt to address so-called final-status issues such as borders and the future of Jerusalem and Palestinian refugees, saying the two leaders would seek instead an agreement on "principles".


"I came here in order to discuss with you the fundamental issues outstanding between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, hoping that this will lead us soon into negotiations about the creation of a Palestinian state," Olmert said, with Abbas standing at his side, at the start of their talks.


But it is unclear whether Olmert, whose popularity plummeted after last year's inconclusive war in Lebanon, can make major concessions, particularly to uproot Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank.


It is also uncertain how Abbas can deliver on any deal with the Hamas movement, which is in control of Gaza and whose charter calls for Israel's destruction.


Ismail Haniya, the ousted Hamas prime minister, called the Jericho meeting a public relations gimmick that would yield nothing for the Palestinians.

被驅逐的以色列總理哈尼亞(Ismail Haniya),認為耶利哥的會談只是一個譁眾取寵的伎倆,並不會給巴勒斯坦人帶來任何幫助。

"It is clear that the meetings between Palestinian and Israeli officials are a replay of what happened in the past - it's reproducing a long path that led the Palestinian people to nowhere," he said.


The last round of final-status talks broke down six years ago.


Israeli officials said the proposed agreement on principles would broadly call for Israel to withdraw from about 90 per cent of Palestinian territory.




所謂的「巴勒斯坦」,其範圍涵括約旦河西岸地區(West Bank)以及加薩走廊(Gaza strip)。目前該地區的管轄權大部分落在巴勒斯坦民族權力機構(Palestinian Authority)手上,其他則是由以色列管理。以巴關係多年來的演變非常複雜,巴勒斯坦人的意見本身就嚴重的分歧,一開始巴勒斯坦解放組織(旗下又有許多小組織)大概都以毀滅以色列為訴求,但是慢慢地有許多人改變意見,如成立初期堅持「革命暴力是解放家園的唯一手段」的法塔赫(Fatah),政策就逐步改變,最終承認以色列的合法存在。其中最著名的人物是阿拉法特(Yasser Arafat),一路從巴解首腦,到通過選舉成為巴勒斯坦民族權力機構的第一任主席。該機構是以巴和約下的產物,然而還是有許多的巴勒斯坦組織不認同阿拉法特,仍然以瓦解以色列為目標前進。而以色列方面對於對待巴勒斯坦的態度也有鷹派與鴿派之分。特別是在這麼多年來已有許多猶太裔居民在巴勒斯坦地區定居,大幅度地遷移勢必會掀起風波。

