Abe looks to boost India trade ties
Japan's prime minister has arrived in New Delhi on a visit aimed at boosting cooperation in civil nuclear energy and business ties between Japan and the fast-growing Indian economy.
Shinzo Abe, who is travelling with a 212-strong delegation of business leaders and academics, held talks with his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh on Wednesday.
Shinzo Abe(安培晉三,日本現首相)與212個商業與學術領袖代表團一同抵達印度,星期三與印度代表Manmohan Singh進行談話
Yasukuni Enoki, Japan's ambassador, said the large delegation was "a demonstration of high interest the Japanese economic circle has in India".
日本大使Yasukuni Enoki表示該龐大的代表團證明日本經濟圈對印度有強烈的興趣
For his part Abe said the relationship between the two countries was "stronger and deeper and broader" than it had ever been.
Shivshankar Menon, India's foreign secretary, said "both sides expect their business to increase".
Abe表示雙方的關係比以前更強、更深厚且更廣闊,Shivshankar Menon印度外交官員說,雙方都期待貿易增加
But trade between Asia's largest and third-largest economies has so far failed to fulfil its full potential as Japan has focused on China and South-East Asia.
To help boost ties, the two sides will discuss a plan to build a $90bn industrial corridor with state-of-the-art infrastructure linking Delhi and Mumbai, India's financial capital.
The aim is to boost Indian manufacturing by making use of its cheap workforce while solving one of the bugbears of India's economy - its poor infrastructure and transportation.
Singh said efforts were under way to ensure a favourable climate in India to attract Japanese investment.
"In today's changed international system, the political, economic and strategic interests of India and Japan have never been so convergent," he said.
Indian government officials predict bilateral trade could double to around $14bn by 2012.
Defence ties
Besides economic ties, Abe and Singh were also so discuss ways to step up defence co-operation.
Japan and India are to join the US, Australia and Singapore in naval exercises scheduled to be held in the Bay of Bengal next month.
Also on the agenda were talks on civil nuclear co-operation with India hoping to tap into a global trade in civilian nuclear use, after a gap of three decades.
Earlier this month it revealed the details of an agreement with the US that requires the approval of a group that includes Japan.
Critics say allowing nuclear India - which is not a party to the Non-Proliferation Treaty - access to US nuclear technology and fuel would undermine global non-proliferation
On the environment, Abe is expected to seek co operation from India, one of the world's largest greenhouse gas emitters, in his so-called "Cool Earth 50" initiative aimed at halving global emissions by 2050 from current levels.
關於環保,大家預測安培也會尋求印度的協助,日本是排放最多溫室氣體的國家之一,他稱為”冷靜地球50” 的計畫,目標為在2050年前減少溫室氣體排放量到正常標準
Abe will address a joint session of parliament during his three-day visit, a rare honour that officials tout as a sign of the importance of the visit.
Singh addressed the Japanese parliament on a visit to Tokyo at the end of last year
然後這篇提到日本與印度的合作,為什麼是印度呢? 印度地處東亞,擁有大量便宜的勞力和積極力爭上游的知識份子,且相對於中國強勢的作風,印度人的態度可說是溫和許多,看看圖片中安培嬌羞的模樣,想必是對這夥伴相當滿意,不過似乎是我多心了,圖中的阿三的眼神好像有點鄙夷…