2007年7月23日 星期一

Bush sets up import safety panel

Source : CNN.com

Origin : http://edition.cnn.com/2007/US/07/18/safe.imports.ap/index.html

Title : Bush sets up import safety panel

Date :July 18th 2007

Translater and Reviewer : TJY


WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush on Wednesday established a high-level government panel to recommend steps to guarantee the safety of food and other products shipped into the United States and to improve U.S. policing of those imports. The White House denied the effort was aimed primarily at China.


The president was to meet later Wednesday with his new Import Safety Working Group. The panel will be chaired by Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt.

布希並於稍晚會唔了由Michael Leavitt所率領的小組。

"The administration is concerned about the safety of imported products that Americans eat and use and we'll start working on concrete steps to address whatever problems they may uncover," said White House spokesman Tony Snow.

白宮發言人Tony Snow表示,此小組將著重於美國人民使用及食用的進口商品的安全性,並因應這些進口商品可能會發生的問題,於近期內著手制定一些具體的措施。

The Food and Drug Administration's ability to monitor the nation's food supply has come under sharp criticism from Congress and others amid a string of high-profile cases of foodborne illness, including E. coli-tainted spinach and salmonella-contaminated peanut butter and snack foods, as well as concerns about drug-laced, farmed fish imported from China.

由於食物中毒諸如:受到E.coli 污染的菠菜、沙門桿菌含量過高的花生醬及點心、以及藥物殘留量過高的中國大陸養殖魚類等事件層出不窮,因此藥物食品管理當局對於食品管理的能力飽受國會和民間的激烈抨擊。

"This is not a slap at China," said Snow when asked if he thought China would be offended by Bush's action. "This is in fact a normal piece of business. We get food imports from 150 countries around the world. It's important to monitor them all."


Members of Congress have criticized the FDA's plan to close half of its laboratories.

Bush created the new panel with an executive order.


Nancy Nord, acting chairwoman of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, called the formation of the panel "a wonderful step. The administration is moving aggressively to address the issue."

消費者產品安全委員會的主席Nancy Nord認為這項措施是個很棒的進展,這表示有關當局開始重視這項議題。

Earlier, she told a Senate hearing that the rapid growth of imports is putting a strain on her agency. The intense pressures on regulatory agencies was also emphasized by officials from the FDA and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration at the hearing by the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee.


Bush took the action as China announced that teams of food safety officials from the U.S. and China would meet in Beijing at the end of this month to discuss the safety of China's seafood exports. The FDA announced last month that it would detain Chinese catfish and several other categories of fish as well as shrimp and eel after repeated testing turned up contamination with drugs that have not been approved in the United States for use in farmed seafood.


From : http://edition.cnn.com/




1 則留言:

Rembrandtfu 提到...

文章中的第二段有提到Michael Leavitt目前的頭銜是Health and Human Services Secretary,在翻譯中並沒有點出來。該機構的全名是United States Department of Health and Human Services,一般簡寫成HHS,譯為美國衛生部(或譯為美國衛生及福利部),Michael Leavitt即為該部部長,其個人簡介可見HHS網站所述:http://www.hhs.gov/about/bios/dhhssec.html。文中所提到的另一機構食品藥物管理署(Food and Drug Administration,簡稱FDA),為HHS之分支機構。
