2007年8月16日 星期四

China delegates to discuss safety in U.S.

China delegates to discuss safety in U.S.

Source : CNN.com

Origin : http://edition.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/asiapcf/08/15/china.recall.reut/index.html

Title : China delegates to discuss safety in U.S.

Date :Aug 17th 2007

Translater and Reviewer : TJY


WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- China will send delegations to the United States in August and September to discuss food and product safety following a spate of product recalls, a Chinese Embassy official said on Wednesday.


Zhao Baoqing, first commercial secretary of the embassy, told reporters the senior-level delegations would discuss the recent problems and Chinese safety measures with U.S. authorities from the Food and Drug Administration and the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

大使館的貿易幹事Zhao Baoqing告訴記者,比較高階的代表團將會就現存的問題與中國的(產品)安全措施和美方的相關單位如FDACPSC(消費者產品安全委員會)作討論。

The first delegation will arrive later this month, and a second delegation of vice-ministers will visit in September, he said.


Mattel Inc., the largest U.S. toy company, on Tuesday recalled 18.2 million toys globally, including 9.5 million in the United States. The toys were recalled due to hazards from small, powerful magnets and lead paint.


The recall prompted some U.S. lawmakers to demand a temporary halt and inspections of shipments of Chinese products for children that contain paint and to demand that China open its toy factories for inspections.


In a rare news briefing at the Chinese mission in Washington, Zhao outlined measures Beijing authorities had taken since the "Made in China" scare emerged in March. He also mixed appeals for cooperation with a show of frustration at the U.S. handling of the widening problem.


"When we found problems with food imported from the United States, we usually took a completely different approach than our U.S. colleagues," he said, referring to recent Chinese complaints with U.S. poultry, pork and pistachios.


China first contacts the U.S. embassy to discuss ways to sort out the problem imports, Zhao said, adding: "We would not immediately publish reports in newspaper or on the Web."


China signed a memorandum of understanding with the FDA in April 2006 on food safety that covered 20 percent of its food exports to the United States. Beijing hoped to conclude an MOU on the other 80 percent by the end of this year, Zhao said.


Zhao noted that 99.2 percent of China's food exports to the United States in 2006 met quality standards and said the "vast majority of China's food exports to the United States are safe." But he reiterated Chinese plans from September to make all of its food exports carry labels on sales and shipping containers that prove they had passed government inspections.


The Mattel toy recall prompted U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer, a New York Democrat who has stridently criticized Chinese trade practices, to call on the State Department to exert pressure on China to open up its toy-manufacturing plants to U.S. inspections, his spokesman said.

Mattel公司的回收動作同時引起曾經嚴厲地批評過中國貿易行為的美國參議員Charles Schumer的高度關切。他的發言人表示,Schumer呼籲州政府應該要向中國施壓,要求中國開放玩具製作工廠供美國檢驗。

Asked about independent testing of Chinese factories, Zhao said such checks should be a "matter of commercial agreement between the importer and the exporter."


"We do not wish to make third-party testing compulsory as this would be disadvantageous to the importer, the brand-holder and the exporter," he said


Review and related news :


關於文中的powerful magnets,筆者在此作一些補充。這小磁石原本是dolly塑膠玩具裡面的配件,用以將衣服穿在娃娃身上。有個七歲的小女孩在玩這個玩具時,為了要把衣服分開,不小心吞入了兩個小磁石。結果這兩個小磁石到了他的腸子之後,又相吸在一起,傷害了腸壁組織,結果造成腸子裡有一小孔。這使得所有腸子裡的東西都能夠跑到女孩的體腔內,造成了一些感染,甚至差點失去性命。相關新聞的連結可以點這邊:http://edition.cnn.com/2007/US/08/14/toy.victim/index.html





最後再對於文中的MOU作一個補充,MOU事實上就是Memorandum of Understanding,翻成中文不太好翻,事實上就是一種規約。常見於部門、這種機關、或是關係相近的公司之間。詳可見wikipedia,網址如下:

